October 2021 - Earl's Funeral Home
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October 2021

Waveney Patricia Kellman,  of  Franklyn Road, Belleplaine St. Andrew,  entered peacefully into rest at age 60. Dedicated Member...

Thelma Elmena Scantlebury, of Lyder Cottage, Sutherland Hill, Half Moon Fort, St. Lucy,  entered peacefully into rest at...

Roosevelt Philmore Skeete, of Matthew’s Drive, Holder’s Hill, St. James formerly of Josey Hill, St. Lucy,  entered...

Vernel Leroy Branch, also known as “Stumbles” of Lot 28 Hothersal Terrace, St. Michael formerly of Carrington Village,...

Christabel Sealy, also known as “Chris” of  Heywoods Park, St. Peter,  entered peacefully into rest at age 75.  Member of The...

Orson Orlando Simmons, of  Reservoir Road, Ashton Hall, St. Peter,  entered peacefully into rest at age 75. Sunrise: September...

Hugh Decoursey Small of Rose Hill, St. Peter entered peacefully into rest at age 68.  Retired Post Master, Barbados...

Merry Randolph Broomes, also known as “Ranny or Jerkit” of Six Mens, St. Peter, age 72 years, entered into...

Martin Murray Whitney, of Upper Carlton, St. James,  entered peacefully into rest at age 80. Father of Michelle, Johnny,...

Burton Iton Elliott McGeary of Crab Hill, St. Lucy entered into rest at age 66.   Son of the late Velma...

The Reverend Canon Eric Llewellyn Payne B.S.S., age 97 of #69 Appleby Gardens, St. James.   Husband of Mura.  Father of...

We announce the death of our beloved matriarch Doreen Eldica Fergusson nee Goodridge, age 95, late of Weston, St....

Floretta Eunice Forde, also known as “Nicey”, age 98 of Church Gap, Hillaby, St. Thomas,  entered peacefully into...