April 2018 - Earl's Funeral Home
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April 2018

Hazel Griffith, also known as ‘Sparrow or Bird’ of Checker Hall, St. Lucy entered peacefully into...

We celebrate the life of Carmen Eudora Brewster, late of Gall Hill No. 1, St. John. ...

Mary Elitha Browne of Prospect, St. James entered peacefully into rest at age 79.  Mother of...

Muriel Gwenfair Austin, affectionately known as “Ma Ma”, age 89 of Free Hill, Black Rock, St....

Andrew Timothy Boyce, also known as “Perucey” of Hope Road, St. Lucy entered peacefully into rest...

Utaline Marita Turton, of Mount Brevitor, St. Peter entered peacefully into rest at age 76.    Wife...

Marie Edmund of Mount Standfast, St. James, formerly of St. Lucia entered peacefully into rest at...

Philip Eugordon Gilkes, age 53, of #47 Bridgefield Development, St. Thomas formerly of Dunscombe, St. Thomas. ...

Myran Darwington Babb, also known as “Gary Babb” of Retreat, St. Peter entered peacefully into rest...

Paula Deon Corbin, late of 1st Ave Park Road, Bush Hall, St. Michael. December 4th, 1972 –...